Website realised by Michel Marques with Emma Goldberg's authorization.

Thanks a lot to:
- Yohann Vitasse, webmaster and hebergement
- My pianist Jean-Pierre Abed for all those years of happyness.
- Nico for all his working on music sounds during all those years.
- Corinne Lesieur and Christian Gueirard for their autorizations for the use of photos.
- Jean-Jacques and David for all the videos.
- Sylvie Cler, Diane Bridgeland, Marie-Ange and M. Jean-Pierre Duclou.
- France Bleu Limousin Poitou-Charentes for its participation in this website and agree me to play the interviews I made with them.
- France 3 Limousin Poitou Charentes for its reception and its kindness.
- Station FM, Reveille ta Planète, Artist, and France Bleu to play my songs and to agree me to play the interviews I made with them.

To contact Emma Goldberg, write to :
BP 80045 - 87002 Limoges Cedex 1

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All songs are in the SACEM's making list (french BMI or GEMA).
© Emma Goldberg 2002-2006